Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Note to Self ...

When and if (shudder) I get to tour the canals ... particularly anywhere near a day trip from Merseyside ... I must take time to visit ..

Built by the William Lever of Sunlight Soap fame, he built a gallery housing his collected art works. It is named the Lady Lever Art Gallery in testament to his wife.

His collection started around 1880, ultimately consisting of something like 20,000 pieces which were free to his workers to visit and view.

I believe it is still free to visit the gallery which contains some very tasty art work.

One can view paintings, furniture, tapestries, wedgewood and chinese pottery,  classic antiquities, sculptures and more.

When I say "yummo", I'm not just thinking of the tea and scones they serve. And this link provides transport information and directions to get you (me) there.